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Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow captives. 
(Hebrews 13:3)

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Releasing Captives International
Barclays PLC
Acc: 93240657
Sort Code: 20-18-93

Charity Registration number: 1166602


Releasing Captives International (RCI) is a ministry committed to embracing and fulfilling our biblical mandate to support the chaplaincy work of the Immigration Removal, Prison Services, and Young Offenders Centres in the UK and abroad.

Building and maintaining prisons is one of the fastest growing "industries" in the US and Europe. There is an ever increasing number of men, women, and children being imprisoned each day, forcing governments to build additional facilities to ease major over-crowding. Beyond the issues of how to prevent people from entering the prison system is how to care for those already behind bars.

There are many churches and congregations that feel prison ministry is best done by someone else, i.e. an expert, a prison chaplain, or, in some cases, not at all. At RCI, however, we engage closely with various chaplaincies in "proclaiming freedom to the captives, restoration of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed" (Luke 4:18).

It is essential that we respond to this invitation by committing ourselves to providing a loving, caring and supportive attitude; one that brings spiritual growth in an atmosphere of encouragement and hope. We do this, in addition to hosting two major events at Christmas and Easter, by running five weekly services, and providing bibles, books, CD's and clothes.

We are determined to engage with inmates long-term and endeavour to maintain contact long after they have been released or repatriated to their native homeland. This requires mutual cooperation and a willingness to build on what has already been achieved whilst incarcerated. Helping them to begin afresh, find employment, or even establish and run a ministry, is part of what we're about.

Our ministry is both pastoral and prophetic, endeavouring both to heal those who have been wounded and to transform those who are seeking. We have been given the power to effect change through a ministry of restoration and reconciliation (2 Cor 5:18); to reach out and touch those who long for reassurance, forgiveness and fresh hope!

Whether you're an organistaion, church, pastor, or individual, if you'd like to find out more about how to get involved with our ministry please send an email


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