
Here are some powerful personal testimonies of how Jesus has transformed people's lives through our ministry outreach work with Releasing Captives International


I would like to thank GOD for HIS mercy and faithfulness. And also I want to thank you and your team for allowing GOD to use you to minister to people who have "no hope" in the human assessment of such a situation of someone who is detained and facing imminent deportation.

That was my situation and nothing humanly could save me, but through the prayers of Releasing Captives International and other believers in different parts of the world GOD took over as stated in Psalm 18:16-17.

Psalm18.16-17 "He reached down from heaven and took hold of me;He pulled me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy and from those who hated me,for they were too strong for me."

All of a sudden I was called upon by the home office who previously were bent on deporting me by all means, to come and do biometrics which I've never done in the 11 years I've been in the process of my application.

All of a sudden within 48 hours I was called to provide my release address. And in less than 24 hours I was released!

I just want to thank GOD like Daniel said "HE sent HIS angels and closed the mouth of the lions and they could not hurt me" Daniel 6:22

Daniel 6.22 "My God sent His angel and shut the lions’ mouths. They haven’t hurt me, for I was found innocent before Him. Also, I have not committed a crime against you my king.”

May GOD continue grant you and your passionate team more of HIS grace. In JESUS Name!


Brother Vitalis


Having visited the Detention Centre (DC) twice I must say the experience on both occasions was mind blowing. I have always wanted to visit DC and to be an encouragement and on my second visit I was privileged to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. The unity & excitement of the team is so evident before, during & after each service I attended.

I recall my 2nd visit so clearly. I had asked Ps. Richard a week early if I could come visit again but I was asked to share the gospel to one of the groups in DC. I said yes but straight after I had goose bumps as this was my 1st time sharing there.

I took time off to fast & pray & asked God for at least one life to be saved, at least one life to be change, ' at least ONE Lord' I prayed.

I got to DC early on that Wednesday expectant, excited and anxious too but the pre service team prayer was just amazing and got our hearts tuned and aligned to what the Holy Spirit was about today.

Service began, I preached my heart out & at the end of the service I was privileged to lead 6 precious lives to Christ not just one but 6!!! Surely God answers our prayers in abundance.

I was so happy I couldn't wait to get home and tell my friends what had happened but 1st we had a team debrief. During this debrief I found out more than 20 souls where added to the Kingdom just that night from other groups. I thought to myself this is so cool until I heard this was the normal weekly number of salvation's.

Doing the maths I could only conclude that hundreds where being saved each year in DC. People maybe waiting for revival but revival is already happening in DC.

I was so blessed, humbled & Wow-ed by the numbers, the dedication of the team & the work the Holy Spirit has done, is doing & going to do in DC. Absolutely Amazing !!!

I can't wait for my next visit !!!

Lazarus Takawira (Visiting Minister)

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